

Only 10 posts for February? I'm slacking.

I've been thinking about the difference between a blog and an online diary. More specifically, I've been wondering if there really is a difference. I was never a diary writer when I was a kid, although I did keep a journal in my later teenage yers as a way to keep track of lots of things - lessons I learned, a new shortcut to school, how much money I was spending... that's kind of when I relized that, for me, if it's not in writing.... it never happened.

I want to be a blogger. I want to be a GOOD blogger. However, my writing skills are far inferior to those of other, more experienced writers. I have a long way to go and I want the shortest way of getting there. I want followers! I want comments! I want people to like what I write. I want it now.

One way that I know that I can improve my writing skills is to read. UGH!! When will I have time to do that?! And why do I dislike reading so much?? Is there someone out there that can help me?? I want to be a reader, too!! Anyone?

In fact, now that I'm thinking about it, I DO read.... quite often, actually. Our average is two books a night. Tonight I read "Noah's Ark" and "Trains!" for JJ, who really loves being read to.

Sigh. Today was an okay day. I slept quite a bit today, although not very soundly, while the baby slept and while Jerry kept an eye on him for me. I can't tell if this cold is really kicking me that hard or the sleep deprivation is finally catching up with me. I really wanted to get out of the house to go do something, thinking that maybe we need a little fun to help lighten my mood. No avail - I snoozed off and on until about 4 p.m. until JJ took a nap on my chest and we decided to go out to dinner. Maybe we'll go do something tomorrow afternoon.

Signing off and going to bed. Perhaps tonight will be the night that good sleep will find me.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Sista Kris10, you just preached a sermon that is scarily DEAD ON with how I feel about a lot. I want to be such a better writer and write way more often--and I know the best way to be a better writer is to be a better reader. But I am a very picky reader, and I used to be such a better reader--it's just tough for me these days to motivate myself to crack open a book. But I need to more often, so I'm going to start really pushing myself to. But, and trust me when I say this--you don't give yourself enough credit. You really truly are already a very very good writer.

--Mark 'D'


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