
Day One: Now What?

Aside from the obvious "Look for a job," I'm sitting here with JJ and thinking to myself... What do I do now? I've already applied to four jobs this morning and now I'd like to do something else other than sit at the computer. But what?

It's a beautiful day outside, but where should we go?

Sure, I have some chores to get done and scrap booking to do and thank you cards that still haven't gotten out and lots of playing to do. Lots of playing. It seems so awkward.

Right now, poor Rosita on Sesame Street can't control her sparkling freckles. It's a shame that can't be my only problem. JJ seems uninterested in Sesame, but more interested in trying to pull the toy clip off the jumper and producing more drool than a pack of Bloodhounds. He needs all that drool to go with his new tooth, apparently.

Since it's so nice outside, I think I'll take the baby out for a walk and then come back and work on those thank you cards. I don't have an excuse for them not getting out now. And since I woke up in such a good mood, and Jerry made it even better by bringing JJ to me to snuggle in bed... I'm going to cash in on all that. It's gonna be a good day.

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