Look what Jerry found.... MY CAMERA!!!

Oh oh... check this out... can you see the tooth? Yup, JJ is a big boy alright! It seems to me he's growing so much faster than I ever expected...

Yep, I'm glad my camera is back. Off to take more pictures!

JJ in his big boy carseat... on the way to Target. The trip took alot out of him... you can see how he ended up by the time we got home...

Yeah, it's been a fun past couple of days. JJ has been taking four (count 'em, four) naps a day. Crazy. Growth spurt, maybe? I have no idea. All I know is that I wish I could take four naps a day.

Oh oh... check this out... can you see the tooth? Yup, JJ is a big boy alright! It seems to me he's growing so much faster than I ever expected...

Our days are filled with play and job hunting... more play for him, more hunting for me:

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