
Looks like morning in my eyes....

A perfect sunrise is developing over the city of Richmond. I can see the downtown skyline from our window, and I must say, it's quite beautiful when you look past the rusty satelites and the dirty puddles of water that are on the rooftop under us.

JJ had a pretty restless night. He can only tolerate 2 ounces of formula at a time, so he's waking practically every hour wanting to eat. We didn't get much sleep, to say the least. Respiratory Therapists are coming in every three hours, so our 90 minute sleep marathons are frequently interrupted. He's taking his last nap of the night now, but I'm awake and wired.

My mom will be here in a few hours. There are times when a kid needs Mom. JJ needs me right now, and I need my mom right now. I'm looking forward to her visit.

I also have breakfast coming. SUPER EXCITING!

Baby calls... more later.

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