

Often when I'm awake in the middle of the night (usually to feed the baby), I find at least ten other things to do after I'm finished with his feeding. Feed the cat. Get a drink. Go to the bathroom. Put wood on the fire. Get lotion for my hands. The list goes on.

More often than any of those, I've been getting online when I'm awake in the middle of the night. I'm not sure why, but I find myself staggering toward Facebook, mentally crying out "Facebook bretheren! Come, get online with me at 2 a.m!" Most of the time, there is no one to hear my cry. It is a phenomenon of which the cause I am unaware.

On to the snow. Boy, there is a lot of it. News anchors and Richmonders alike are calling it "record snowfall." Well, it could be record snowfall, but it's not THE record FOR snowfall in Richmond. Please don't get confused - that honor belongs in 1940, where Richmond received a whopping 21.5 inches of snow in 24 hours in late January. And you thought this snowfall was bad...

I'm debating tackling the great dig-out tomorrow. There is no telling if work is going to close on Monday or not, and I would HATE digging out my car at 6 a.m. on Monday morning. Talk about a big suck.

Well, the fireplace was just roaring and I had to shut it down quick, so I guess my work is done here. Over and out, until 2 a.m. tomorrow.

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