
Rain, rain... go away...

And I don't mean the rain outside.

JJ and I are home now and both completely exhausted. In fact, he's been sleeping in his car seat since I got on Chippenham Parkway to come home over two hours ago. He needs the sleep.

We've had some major drama to go with our hospital stay, including some home nebulizer drama that we're dealing with right now. It basically comes down to people not doing their jobs, including JJ's doctor. It's ok, though. We're home and on the mend and that's the only thing that matters right now.

And now it's six hours later. JJ woke, I fed him, and we snuggled and slept on the couch for a while. It was nice not being interrupted every two hours. Now he's sitting in the bouncy seat, being bounced by Daddy, and watching the football game. He's cooing and kicking and having a great time. It's good to see him so active - it's been a while since he's been really happy.

My sinus infection has come back with a vengeance. The cough has come back too. I feel competely miserable, on top of the sleep deprivation. I'm looking forward to a nice, quiet day tomorrow... including a trip to the peditrician. I'm also hoping JJ sleeps well tonight. It's been a while since either one of us have done that.

I've concluded that we're all going to be okay one day. The sun will come out again.

I'm gonna go snuggle my baby and call it a night. Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, visits, calls, and especially the food. It is all deeply appreciated.

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